Is arag legal insurance worth it ?

Whether ARAG legal insurance is worth it for you depends on several factors, including your individual needs, risk tolerance, and budget. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons to help you decide:


  • Access to legal services at discounted rates: ARAG provides a network of attorneys who offer discounted fees for covered legal services. This can be helpful if you need legal assistance but are worried about the cost.
  • Peace of mind and preventive support: Knowing you have access to legal help if needed can bring peace of mind, and ARAG also offers some preventive legal services like document review and legal consultations.
  • Coverage for a variety of legal issues: ARAG plans typically cover a broad range of legal issues, including family law, employment law, real estate law, and consumer protection.
  • Potential cost savings: If you anticipate needing legal services within the year, having an ARAG plan could save you money compared to paying for hourly attorney fees.


  • Not all legal expenses are covered: ARAG plans have exclusions and limitations, so it’s important to read the fine print carefully to understand what is and isn’t covered.
  • Monthly premiums: You have to pay a monthly premium, even if you don’t need legal services.
  • Limited attorney network: Depending on your location, the ARAG network might not have a large number of attorneys in your area, or your desired specialist might not be included.
  • Potential for coverage disputes: As with any insurance, there is always the possibility of disputes with ARAG if they deny coverage for your legal issue.

Here are some additional factors to consider:

  • Your legal history: If you have a history of legal issues, it might be more likely that you will need legal services in the future, making ARAG more appealing.
  • Your risk tolerance: If you are risk-averse and the thought of facing a large legal bill is stressful, ARAG can provide peace of mind.
  • Your budget: ARAG plans vary in price, so it’s important to make sure you can afford the monthly premium before you sign up.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not ARAG legal insurance is worth it for you is a personal one. Do your research, compare prices and coverage options, and consider your individual needs and risk tolerance before making a decision.

Here are some resources to help you learn more about ARAG:

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